The wedding season is so wonderful. We get to purchase new clothes. We can explore beautiful new venues and celebrate our love with those we care about.
The average wedding costs are in the tens and thousands, but that is for your special day. What if it’s for a friend only?
According to reports, the average cost of attending a wedding in Spain is PS400. So, yes, it’s PS800 per couple.
Why are they so expensive? The average stag party costs PS153 for men, while the middle women’s hen will cost PS249.
National Current Accounts surveyed 2,000 adults to determine the costs. It’s not surprising that people are beginning to refuse wedding invitations.
One-quarter of guests decide not to attend, while another one-sixth borrow money or overdraw their account to be able to go.
The survey shows that male guests at weddings spend PS21 higher than female guests.
Here’s how to break down the cost of attending a wedding…
Celebrate your pre-wedding festivities.
A poll shows that those who attend a stag party or hen spend an extra PS153. Over a quarter of respondents (27%) spent more than PS200 on each occasion. Stags spend more money than hens (171 PS vs. 134 PS) because they go to more places to party. The traditional local night on the town (41%), however, remains a popular choice.
Wedding ceremony
According to the research, guests spend an average of PS249 for their wedding day. This includes new outfits, gifts, travel, hotel stays, and drinks. Nearly a quarter (22%) spent more than PS300.
Wales is the least generous with its people, who spend around PS40. Younger age groups also pay less, with PS30 less per person than older people (PS29 as opposed to PS59).